
When music is mentioned in a book I’m reading, I love to search it out and play it while I’m reading. I’m always writing scenes with a running soundtrack in my head. You can find some of these songs on the How To Tell Playlist on my brendabenny Spotify page. 




If there is music in the book I’m writing, I often make a playlist to listen to during the process. This is a compilation of songs that appear in All The Promises We Break, as well as others that played in my head during scenes. Find the Playlist on my Spotify page.




Visit my Spotify page to listen to the Playlist for That Secret You Keep

It’s a mix of songs that are directly mentioned in the book, as well as songs that I listened to while writing certain parts. They aren’t arranged in exact order. Hope you enjoy!




A little Holiday Cheer! Listen to Max & Serena’s Holiday Playlist on my Spotify page. Happy Holidays to all!